Whole school

Short Christmas Play Ideal for Assembly The Story of Christmas Year 4 Assembly
A nice play for a Christmas assembly.
About 12 pages.
Sample :
Part 1:
KIRA - Narrator 1: The time leading up to Christmas is a busy one, and sometimes we can forget what the message of good news it brings. We would like you to imagine that this good news event is being broadcast to you today, live!
EMILY - Narrator 2: Our report, and the beginning of Christianity, is set in Nazareth. In the town, Jewish families were living under Roman occupation. These families had become poor due to King Herod’s heavy taxes. Nearly all the money the Jews earned went to Herod and the Romans so that they could afford new weapons and lovely food and clothes.
RICKY - Narrator 3: In the town lived a very religious Jewish family: the daughter of this family was called Mary. When Mary was about 14 years old she became engaged to Joseph, a talented carpenter.
SONG: Nazareth (NATIVITY) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNDcWruJ4IY
Things are really cool in Nazareth.
Our city is full of joy,
Cause this is where girl meets boy.
Barely had a school in Nazareth.
There they join hand in hand,
side by side, they will stand.
A wedding is being planned.
Here in Nazareth.
Nazareth our place to live.
Always willing to forgive.
Nazareth will bring us well.
We can hear those wedding bells.
Feeling in a fix in Nazareth.
Rules are to be obeyed,
Arrangements are being made.
Got to get your kicks in Nazareth
Baby, you’ll run away
Start at a brand new day
Still we can not betray
Good old Nazareth.”
<Play news theme – Have playing on a screen during broadcast?>
ASHTON - Newsreader 1: Hello. And welcome to this breaking news update. We begin our report with the news of wedding preparations that are under way for Mary and Joseph who are pledged to be married. Tonight, however, Mary was woken from a deep sleep by a gentle voice.

50000 Fractions Questions Worksheets KS2 Mathematics Maths
50000 Fraction Questions on 100 worksheets.
50000 questions on fractions.
Great for:
supply teachers
All answers provided.
Loads of different tasks involving fractions:
e.g. adding
taking away
simplifying etc
100 worksheets with 500 questions each.

Fractions Worksheets Mega Bundle With Answers
A great bundle of fraction worksheets.
Equivalent Fractions 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths
Half a million (500000) Fraction Questions Worksheets
Mixed Fractions Questions 100 Worksheets Maths

Maths Worksheets Fractions Year 5 Year 6 Plus Times Tables KS1 KS2
A big bundle of worksheets.
These will help teach fractions and also times tables.
Great value for money as this lot would cost you £16 if you bought them individually.
These are aimed at year 5 and year 6, although you could use them for older pupils too.
Look through my shop to get full details of the individual worksheets.
All answer sheets provided of course.
Here's what you get:
Equivalent Fractions 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths
Half a million (500000) Fraction Questions Worksheets
Mixed Fractions Questions 100 Worksheets Maths
Simplifying Fractions 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths Mathematics KS2
Times Table Resource Suitable for KS2 Maths Multiplication Worksheets
Times Tables Worksheets 2 to 12 18 One Page Worksheets Maths Test A
Times Tables Worksheets 2 to 12 18 One Page Worksheets Maths Test A
Times Tables Worksheets 2 to 12 18 Worksheets Mathematics Revision Test C

Bundle Year 5 Literacy Planning Autumn Term KS2 Greek Myths & Maths Shopping Questions
A great bundle.
This is a zip file containing Literacy planning for a year 5 class (Autumn term).
Plus great sheets on calculating the cost of shopping items. All answers provided.
It consists of 14 short term plans I designed. There is one Literacy lesson per day.
You will get 14 Microsoft Word documents. They are based on the Greek myths.
I’ve also included for free some extra teaching materials that you can use. I’ve included too 3 medium term plans , one for each term). These cover plans and ideas not just for Literacy, but other subjects as well.
I’ve also included an extra week from the next term. Feel free to use it to plug any gaps.
This will help you do your own planning. Feel free to cut and paste into your own school’s plans.
Ideal for someone who had to do a term’s supply like I had to do.
Please bear in mind:
every school is different. My plans assume you have the aide of a TA, but this is not essential. There is no differentiation in the planning. Everyone does the same thing to the best of their ability.
you may want to add your own detail. These are short term plans remember.
I have used walts and wilts. Your school may do something different.
A very few number of weeks have a small gaps for things like tests and inset days. Use the extra week one planning for the next term (included for free) if you wish.

Year 2 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B
Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle.
Planning for the Summer term for year 2.
You get 50 mb of material so good value imo.
Literacy. Non-Chronological reports 4 weeks, Character descriptions, Traditional tales, poetry planning etc
Numeracy 9 weeks worth Using and applying the four mathematical calculations to solve problems, Revision of the four main operations. rounding up and down etc
Creative curriculum (a bit) making scarecrows, Wizard of Oz
P.E. (a bit)
R.E. (a bit) St Paul. I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this.
Science 4 weeks. Plants and animals.
Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste.
Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.

Bundle Coins Worksheets plus fractions
A bundle.
Questions on Coins plus fractions.
Good value.
Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Coins KS1 Teachers Counting KS1 KS2
Equivalent Fractions 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths
Half a million (500000) Fractions Questions Worksheets KS2 Mathematics Maths

Classics Bundle Roman Numerals Latin Wordsearches Aesop Fables Cloze Tests
Classics bundle
100 worksheets on Roman Numerals
500 Latin Wordsearches
108 Cloze tests on Aesops Fables.
See shop for full details.

Year 5 Autumn Numeracy Mathematics Planning & Telling Time Worksheets
Reclaim your Sundays!
Year 5 Autumn planning for Mathematics.
Plus great worksheets on Telling the Time.
13 weeks worth of Maths plans.
Adapt them for your school. Cut ans paste and adapt to your needs.
Topics include
Counting, portioning and calculating
3d shapes
Securing number facts, calculating, identifying relationships
and many more

Year 5 Mega bundle Maths English Science
A great bundle of work.
Loads of planning.
Please see the individual items in my shop for full details.

100 Sudoku Puzzles Plus Answers Easy level Maths Logic Fun Critical Thinking
100 Sudoku puzzles plus answers.
Sudoku is a popular and fun puzzle that can be used with math classes to reinforce logic and problem-solving skills. Each puzzle grid contains 81 cells, divided into 9 blocks made up of 9 cells. The grids are presented with only some cells filled with numbers. To solve the puzzle, each block must contain the numbers 1 through 9. In each block, each number can only appear once in a column, row or block. Then across all blocks, within the larger puzzle, each 9 cell column and 9 cell row can have a number appear just once.
Easy refers to the number of cells already filled in.

Roman Assembly Short Play History Key Stage 2
A short play on the Romans.
Great for a quick ten minute assembly or a part of a fun lesson.

Science Interdependence Adaptation Food Chains Planning Year 5 and 6
Massive amount of planning.
Over a dozen powerpoints.
More than six documents.
More than a dozen word documents.
Example planning :
Pose the question – when we go into the supermarket, how can you find the things you want to buy?
Lead into a discussion about how similar things are put together. If you want apples, you go to the fruit and veg section; if you want ice cream you go to the freezer. It saves time and makes the shopping easier.
Scientists do a similar thing with living organisms. There are so many varied plants and animals, scientists need to keep dividing them into smaller groups to identify them.
How would they do this? What would they look for?
Explain that they look for similarities and differences to put the plants and animals into groups.
Explain that we talk about the ‘plant kingdom’ and the ‘animal kingdom’.
Animal Kingdom – how many different species of animals do the children think are on Earth? Take estimates.
800 000
They can be broadly broken into Vertebrates and Invertebrates.
Vertebrates have a backbone.
Invertebrates do not.
What group do humans fit into?
Activity One
Use PowerPoint to talk through each group and their characteristics.

Ks2 Christmas Play Fun assembly Plus bonus short KS1 Play
A 12 page play for Christmas.
Great for an assembly or fun Christams lesson.
Brucie bonus. 2 page ks1 play

Healthy Eating Planning Powerpoints and Worksheets Physical Education Science Biology
My primary school planning for healthy eating.
Lots of powerpoints.
Plenty of material.
Can be adapted for different years but I mainiy taught year 5.
topics include
the circulatory system
healthy eating
keeping healthy
history of scurvy
pulse rate
you get 12 pdf files
15 powerpoints

Display Materials For Primary School Collection Maths English
Looking for a big set of display material for the new academic year?
I have collected together all my collection from decades in teaching Primary school level.
Aimed a little at the top end as that is where I spent most years.
Lots of stuff.
Vcop stuff
Maths stuff.
RE stuff
Over 400 files. Word, pdf, excel etc

Year 6 Maths Numeracy Planning 890 Files 400mb Planning
I’ve put together my planning from a school I taught in.
You get a massive 890 files and over 400mb of planning.
Spread over a number of years, you may wish to form for your own use your own lessons by combining elements of various lessons.
The zip contains the lot. I’ve included a few in the general upload so you can peruse.

Year 6 Maths Planning Autumn Spring Summer Terms Plenty of Ideas
Planning for year 6 Maths.
Lots of ideas you can meld into your own school planning.
Year 6 is a tough year to teach, so the more material you have, the better.
The zip file contains the lot. I’ve put a few in for you to sample.
Start with A3 sheet on each table – 1 minute to write down any vocabulary, phrases, methods or information linked to addition.
Come back together, take feedback and put on working wall.
Refer to targets to make children aware that some of them have addition related targets.
Discuss methods used for addition.
Show Y6 calculation policy and discuss column addition.
Show 7648 + 1486
Solve using column addition – compose success criteria whilst solving.
Repeat with 1489 + 71 + 3 + 561
Emphasise importance of place value columns and presentation – talk about ‘carrying’.
Whole School Mass 11am
LO Improve efficient recall of mental maths.
Test 11am – 11.10am
Self mark and strategies 11.10am to 11.30am - fill in mental maths record sheet at back of each maths book.
Final 45 minutes (allow a few minutes for a plenary) – split class into three groups.
Carousel activity:
Octagon group to go into science area with HM for 30 minute session towards their target; adding and subtracting negative numbers.
Group 1: Hexagons (1) and Isabel, Eleanor and Dan O from Hex (2)
Group 2: Rest of Hex (2) plus Pentagons (1)
Group 3: Pentagons (2) plus triangles.
LO Add decimals up to 3dp using the column method.
Add numbers with differing numbers of decimal places.
SUCCESS CRITERIA Add to yesterday’s in a different colour.
Revise use of column method.
Show 15.8 + 23.3 and model for working wall whilst emphasising the importance of the decimal point not moving.
Show problem:
I spend £46.78 in one shop and £27.45 in another. How much did I spend in total?
Use column.
Show 7.9 + 5.82, model use of 0 on the end of the 9 to make them the same number of dp.
Refer octagons to their target.

Bundle Year 5 Literacy Planning Autumn Term KS2 Greek Myths Big Write Plus Fractions Questions
A great bundle.
Year 5 Literacy planning.
And half a million Fractions questions plus equivalent fractions worksheets.
This is a zip file containing Literacy planning for a year 5 class (Autumn term).
It consists of 14 short term plans I designed. There is one Literacy lesson per day.
You will get 14 Microsoft Word documents. They are based on the Greek myths.
I’ve also included for free some extra teaching materials that you can use. I’ve included too 3 medium term plans , one for each term). These cover plans and ideas not just for Literacy, but other subjects as well.
I’ve also included an extra week from the next term. Feel free to use it to plug any gaps.
This will help you do your own planning. Feel free to cut and paste into your own school’s plans.
Ideal for someone who had to do a term’s supply like I had to do.
Please bear in mind:
every school is different. My plans assume you have the aide of a TA, but this is not essential. There is no differentiation in the planning. Everyone does the same thing to the best of their ability.
you may want to add your own detail. These are short term plans remember.
I have used walts and wilts. Your school may do something different.
A very few number of weeks have a small gaps for things like tests and inset days. Use the extra week one planning for the next term (included for free) if you wish.

Angles Worksheets 10000 Questions Measure the Angles Mathematics Geometry KS2
A simple concept. But effective.
10000 questions where you have to measure the angle using a protractor.
Pupils write the answer directly on the sheets.
All answers provided.
Over 2000 pages so please be patient when downloading.
Great value.